Music Therapy

Music Therapy. The Healing Power of Music.

Music Therapy
Music Therapy

Music Therapy. The healing power of Music. 

From ancient times, music proved  to have a strong influence for each different culture. 

All people living on this planet, even the most isolated tribes, have their own music and chants.

In the Amazon forests, for example, they have a tradition to enchant water with healing thoughts and songs. All this, in order to treat different type of physical dysfunctions.

“Everything in Life is Vibration” – Albert Einstein

The Universal Laws affirms that every little thing in the Universe moves and has his own vibration frequency.

Because humans, animals, plants, trees and all the surrounding things have this own vibrational frequency, it may seem like we are all disconnected from each other. The truth is we are all living in a big energy ocean and we are connected at a lowest level.

During the chemistry classes in school we learned that everything is made up of atoms, that are in a constant state of motion. The speed of this atoms things appear to be solid, liquid or gas. Even our thoughts are vibration.

 Sounds create vibrations like Music 

Vibrating objects create Sounds, that are actually mechanical waves.

The particles in the surrounding environment are moving when an object vibrates, even if we don`t see these kind of things with the physical eyes. This way, the energy is transported through the environment.

The sound wave traveling through air has a longitudinal move.

Particles of the environment in which the sound is transported vibrate parallel to the direction that the sound wave moves, that gives the longitudinal move characteristic.

We are vibrational matter, also. The Earth`s vibrational frequency is about 7:80 Hz. Earth produces his own music, and his “voice” is much more like a mumbling sound. Here is a sample that NASA recorded from space:

Crystals, plants, and human beings are music that has taken on visible form.

Our physical body , along with our organs and our heart, produce a unique and personalized music, on our heart beats.

There is an agreement among medicine, science and metaphysics that certain vibrational frequencies can heal the body and destroy disease.

Scientific research prove that different parts of our bodies have their own vibrational signature.

Our lungs create a vibrational sound that  is different by the vibrational sound that the heart creates.

When a part of the body is stressed for a period, when an emotional shock takes place, that part of the body is changing it`s vibration from a normal and predefined  frequency to an altered  oneTo re-establish the health of that organ, we need to help the organ to produce the correct sound wave again.

According to a CNN article , Dr. Wendy Magee, International Fellow in Music Therapy at the Institute of Neuropalliative Rehabilitation in London, affirms that beside the relaxation effect it has on our body, music also is a complex vitamin for the brain.

“When neural pathways are damaged for one particular function such as language, musical neural pathways are actually much more complex and much more widespread within the brain,” she told CNN. “Music seems to find re-routed paths and that is why it is such a useful tool in terms of helping people with different kinds of brain damage because it can help to find new pathways in terms of brain functioning.”

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Music Therapy for autism and ADHD

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and autism have a strong benefit from music therapy, according to Dr. Robert Melillo, co-founder of the Brain Balance Achievement Centers :

“Music works to stimulate the balance center of the brain and different chemicals in the brain, such as dopamine, which we know is deficient in Parkinson’s disease,…, “Different areas of the brain need to be coordinated from a timing standpoint for the brain to work completely as a whole,” he says. “Music, because it has a rhythm to it, can actually cause the brain to change the speed in different areas so that the timing becomes better.”

  1. Listening to music can decrease the stress level in your body and treat depression

Listening the type of music you like boosts up the production of beneficial brain chemicals. Especially the dopamine, or the “good vibe” hormone.

Dopamine is an integral part of the complex brain system , therefore listening to music creates a feeling of joy. Studies confirm that playing music reduces the level of stress both on a molecular and emotional level, by producing a higher level of HgH (Human Growth Hormone).

Hgh is responsible with regulating body composition and fluids, bone and muscular growth, fat and sugar absorption.

  1. Alzheimer`s Disease

People having this disease, have troubles with the capacity to have interaction and to sustain an interactive communication with others.

Music therapy has worked wonders  on the patients having Alzheimer`s  disease. Researchers have found that playing music to the Alzheimer patients improved their positive interactions.

Also, the cognitive function and the coordinate motor movements. Especially relevant, it reduced the stress-induced agitation.

  1. Controls blood pressure and Heart problems

Listening to music with a repetitive rhythm for at least ten seconds can decrease blood pressure.

It also reduces the heart rate. Classical compositions especially  match to the human body`s unique rhythm for a therapeutically purpose.

“Listening to music with a repeated 10-second rhythm coincided with a fall in blood pressure, reducing the heart rate” , according to Cardiovascular Society of Great Britain

  1. Treating Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Veterans suffering of PTSD experienced relief by learning to play guitar. Traditional music therapy  used playing music to recover PTSD patients, encourages them to use music as part of their healing process. There are also other therapeutic instruments that help veterans to recover.

  1. Boosting Brain Development for young children that study an instrument

High levels of early childhood development can result even after an half an hour of musical training per day.  Playing an instrument involves multiple components of the central brain and peripheral nervous system.

When a musician plays an instrument, both gross and fine movements needed to produce the sound are controlled by the motor system in the brain. Sensory information from the fingers, arms and hands are sent to the brain for processing. If the musician is also reading music, then visual stimuli are sent to the brain.  In response, the brain processes emotional resonance to the music.

The border use of music as a therapeutic tool expands nowadays again, due to the researchers that give more attention to the unseen reality of our world.


From its ceremonial origin to modern medical usage for personal motivation, shifting mood and concentration, music remains the powerful balm for the human soul. One Love!

“One good thing about music,

when it hits you, you feel no pain.”

Bob Marley

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