Chakra Healing & Spiritual Healing ~ Balancing the 7 Chakra System

Chakra Meaning ~ Chakra Healing
Chakra meaning & Chakra Healing Methods ~ Spiritual Healing Process
The word Chakra means “wheel” in Sanskrit, and it represents an energy area in your body.
7 Chakra Colors
Chakras are energy vortexes that help your body, mind, and intellect work in sync.
- Root chakra – RED
- Sacral chakra – ORANGE
- Solar plexus chakra – YELLOW
- Heart chakra – GREEN
- Throat chakra – BLUE
- 3rd eye chakra – INDIGO
- Crown chakra – VIOLET.
We spoke about chakras in a previous article, where we discussed about the link between mental health and a clear and balanced chakra system. We don`t have to be spiritual teachers to be able to balance our own chakra system. Each of us vibrates to a certain frequency. We are all vibrational human beings.
All the material world we perceive around us is vibrating. The lower the frequency is , the more materialized is the object.
Our planetary frequency vibration is slowly rising since 2012. Living in the Earth`s electromagnetic field, we are all affected by its increasingly vibration. As a result, we feel an inner desire to rise our vibrational frequency in different ways.
In order to be able to successfully rise our vibration limits, we need to have an inner balanced chakra system.
We may feel this impulse from deep down inside, and it is normal to feel it. All we need to do is to expose our physical body to different types of coherent and harmonized vibrational sources.
Our traditional well known sense organs (eyes, nose, tongue, touch and ears) will do the job for us. Their job is to translate the vibrational frequency they are experiencing and to try synchronizing it to the one our body vibrates on.
What is Chakra Healing?
Healing the Chakras in not only about reading a lot and buying crystals. It’s perfect to stay informed, but the real challenge comes when you start to work with your inner energy.
Therefore, we have a lot of proper “instruments” that help us balancing our chakras. There are a lot of spiritual teachers to guide you how to access the Chakra Healing Instruments But the real Spiritual Healing process starts with being aware that you have an unbalance.
How to Heal the Chakras?
Meditation & Yoga
Meditation using visualization is one of the most common ways to balance and charge your energetic points. We can visualize how each chakra is filled with its corresponding color, from the Universal energy.
Yoga is another popular method to work chakras energies.
Sound Healing
Sound is another good method to balance chakras. By sound we understand nature sounds, instrumental and non-instrumental music, sound of the Tibetan`s bowl, spoken mantras, prayers.
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Aromatherapy for Chakra Healing
Smell can be also be used to balance our chakras, due to Aromatherapy.
Healing Crystals
Chakra crystals / Healing Crystals ~ Each chakra has corresponding crystals that help balancing its energy. Read the entire article for more information.
Healing quotes

Our six bodily chakras are stacked up like a sort of pyramid, with the lowest one, the root chakra creating the wide base of the pyramid.
The highest one in our body, the sixth chakra or Ajna, represents the top of the pyramid. It`s light is easy mutable, while the root chakra is dense and heavy, being characterized by stability.
The seventh chakra isn`t even truly part of our physical body. Sahasrara or the “1000 petals flower” is our spiritual connection to everything. It resides of the body, above the crown of our head.
The link between the 7 chakras and our senses:
- First or Root chakra is related to smell and earth
- Second or Sacral chakra is related to taste and water
- Third or Solar Plexus chakra is related to sight and fire
- Fourth or Heart chakra is related to touch and air
- Fifth or Throat chakra is related to hearing and sound
- Sixth or The Third Eye chakra is related to light
- Seventh or Crown chakra is off the body and unrelated to the sensory world, it is associated with the pure consciousness.

How to start the chakra healing for each chakra?
Root chakra
represents our foundation and stability, and its color is Red.
Ways to charge this chakra:
- Walking barefoot as this chakra relates to earth
- Eat red food: tomatoes, red peppers, strawberries and spicy food
- Set up a savings plan for emotional balancing this chakra
- Dance as much as you can
- Essential oils that balance root chakra: Myrrh, Cedar
- Chakra healing stones / healing crystals : Bloodstone, Ruby, Agate, Hematite, Smoky Quartz
Read the article below for detailed information about Root CHAKRA:
Sacral chakra
represents creativity, sex and our flexibility in accepting new situations and relationships. Its color is Orange.
Ways to charge this chakra:
- Eat orange food: carrots, kaki, oranges, pumpkin, apricots
- Accept yourself and be kind to you
- A long bath with different bath oils and candles as this chakra relates to water
- Celebrate the little achievements in life
- Essential oils that balance sacral chakra: Sandalwood and also Ylang Ylang
- In addition, chakras healing crystals: Moonstone and Carnelian
Read the article below for detailed information about Sacral CHAKRA:
Build a Rock-Solid Foundation For Your Dream Life
Learn how to create a life built on true happiness, success, and perpetual wealth. You’ll also discover the keys to amazing health, fulfilling relationships and being the best version of yourself.
with Dr. Steve G Jones
Solar plexus
chakra represents confidence, feelings and thoughts and our ability to be in control of our lives. Its color is Yellow.
Ways to charge this chakra:
- Sunbathing or Heliotherapy presented in a previous article are good practices for Solar plexus
- Eat yellow food: corn, yellow pepper, melon
- Drink chamomile tea
- Surround yourself and spend your time with people that love and appreciate you
- Don`t talk badly about you
- Essential oils that balance solar plexus chakra: Chamomile and also lemon oil
- In addition, chakra healing crystals: Tiger`s Eye and Citrine
Read the article below for detailed information about Solar Plexus CHAKRA:
Heart chakra
represents our endless capacity to love and be loved, to enjoy what we love. Its color is Green.
Ways to charge this chakra:
- Schedule in regular time to do something for you, but don`t make excuses, just commit it!
- Listen and speak to others with an open heart, be loving, generous and feel compassion
- Eat green food: leafy greens, green apples, avocados, drink green tea and smooties
- Follow your desire and your dreams
- Essential oils that balance heart chakra: Rose and Bergamot
- In addition, chakra healing stones : Emerald, Green Jade and Rose Quartz
Read the article below for detailed information about Heart CHAKRA:
We possess the Wealth DNA inside of ourselves.
You see modern scientists call it “DNA” but ancient eastern teaching referred to it as “chakras.”
But whether you want to use the modern term of the traditional language, the fact remains the same…
All you need to do is “activate” the energy center that attracts wealth…
Throat Chakra
represents our ability to communicate clearly and speak the truth. . Its color is Blue.
Ways to charge this chakra:
- Sing! Whenever or wherever, because this chakra is relates to sound
- Be honest with those around you
- Learn how to refuse kindly something you don`t want
- Essential oils that balance throat chakra: Lavender, Sage, Neroli
- In addition, healing crystals: Turquoise, Aquamarine
Read the article below for detailed information about Throat CHAKRA:
The Third Eye
chakra represents represents our ability to see the big picture, inner knowing and vision. Its color is Indigo.
Ways to charge this chakra:
- Listen more closely to conversations to discover if there are any “subtle” messages
- Try to feel the energetic vibration of the ones around you and to detect positive and negative vibrations
- Listen to your intuition and learn to follow it
- Essential oils that balance the third eye chakra: Jasmine, Basil, Rosemary
- In addition, 3rd Eye chakra healing crystals: Sodalite, Lapis Lazuli
Read the article below for detailed information about Pineal Gland Activation :
Crown Chakra Healing
represents our ability to connect with our spiritual selves. Its color is Violet.
Ways to charge this chakra:
- Meditation
- Reading inspirational books
- Eat blueberries, grapes and purple food
- Essential oils that balance crown chakra: Olibanum and Frankincense
- In addition, healing crystals : Amethyst and also Alexandrite
Moon Sign and Moon Phase!
Yes — the sign and phase of the moon at the exact moment of your birth reveals more about you than you could possibly imagine.
Together they influence your strengths and passions…and reveal your potential for abundance, love and prosperity.
To conclude, we can also balance all chakras at the same time. Some of the most practiced methods are the meditation and visualization. Especially relevant, you can visualize your first chakra filling with red, then the second with orange and so on until you fill the last chakra with violet.
Yoga is another fantastic aligning method of the chakras, especially kundalini yoga. Reiki and Energetic healing sessions are preferred also.
So, if you want to start your Spiritual Healing on a deeper level, to balance and align your 7 chakras, you don`t have to be a spiritual teacher. There are tons of ways you can do this and I encourage everyone to try healing their chakra system alone, before appealing to a spiritual teacher.
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