human needs

Human Needs – the Influence of Social Templates

human needs
human needs

Human Needs – the Influence of Social Templates

The power of example – the strongest template we follow in life

Every individual human on Earth has a specific set of needs. These needs can be classified in different categories, taking into consideration the sphere where they activate and what part of our physical, moral or spiritual body they serve.

Abraham Maslow was the first to put these needs in a hierarchy of needs, classifying them in 5 big categories: 

physiological needs,

safety needs,

love needs,


self-actualization needs.

Maslow`s hierarchy of needs is often represented in a form of a pyramid, although Maslow himself never described the needs being part of a pyramid.

Physiological needs

At the bottom of the hierarchy we have the Physiological needs, the basic needs and motivations that dominate our body in intensity: air, food, water, sex, sleep, excretion, constant body temperature.

These primary or instinctual needs are common needs for humans and animals, the physical requirements for survival. We wouldn`t be able to exist without fulfilling the physiological needs.

Our DNA contains written information about the Physiological needs, beside other information. This type of knowledge is accessed by the fetus during his growing process in his mommy`s womb.  The baby learns to use his lungs in the womb, even if he breathes amniotic liquid, not air; learns how to pee and learns the excretion process.

Safety needs

When we speak about Safety needs, we think about the security of the body and of employment, security of resources, of property and of morality, security of the family and of health.  Also, everything that keeps us in the comfort zone.  These needs appear only when the first level of the hierarchy is satisfied.

The need of safety manifests both at adults and at children. Children build their safety zone around the adult`s feelings and behavior. The personal security is the most important for them. Adults build safety around material things such insurance policies, saving accounts. That is because adult’s needs are dominated by health and well-being security and financial security.

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Love and Belonging needs

The Love and Belonging needs refer to friendship, family and sexual intimacy. People have a strong  need to feel they belong to a group, no matter the group is big or small. This need is stronger in childhood, when the feeling of oneness is stronger.  I remember my boy`s happiness when he realized that not only his mom and dad have colleagues at work, he has his own friends and colleagues at the kindergarten.

Esteem needs

Esteem needs include the need of confidence, achievement, respect of others and by others. We all feel the need to be accepted and to be valued by others. Self-esteem and self-respect are very important pieces in our mental health. At a lower level, esteem refers to fame, prestige and attention. We will need a higher level of esteem, after these needs are satisfied. This higher level comes with the need of self-respect, competence, independence, freedom. This need is developed from our own experiences.

To conclude, the above four levels of needs are strong related.  Also, we should not forget that we are all vibrational energetic beings. Our body has three components: physical, mental and spiritual. Especially relevant, we have a 7 chakra system in our body. Energy flows through our energetic vortexes 24/7.

In an energetic well balanced body, the four levels occur, one by one, as each of the previous levels is satisfied. However, different types of experiences, like child abuse, verbal and non-verbal violence create an imbalanced manifestation of the human needs.

Most of all, negative emotions of yourself and of others create energy blockages of the chakras.  Therefore, a dysfunctional chakra takes it`s energy from the other chakras, creating an altered order of generating the human needs. Maybe that is why Maslow never represented his hierarchy using a pyramid form.  Because the personal life experiences can modify and alter the natural course or generating needs.


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Self-actualization needs

refer to morality, creativity, problem solving, lack of prejudice, acceptance.

All that we are naturally designed for, all the needs we have, are shaped by the templates we see around us.

Have you ever thought which is the strongest and deeply  template we use in our everyday lives?


How did we learn to speak? How did we learn to drink or eat?  What about swimming? Or, how did we learn to paint?  What about Love? Where have we learn it from?

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